Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Always Put Me First in Life…
Message from Our Lord and God Jesus Christ to Sister Beghe in Belgium on December 28, 2024

My dear children,
Be good, be strong in the virtue of strength, be kind as I have been kind and as I am forever. I love you, I cherish you and you are Mine. May God's grace be with you, today, tomorrow and always.
God's grace is His blessing, His Strength, His Love, and all the graces that God dispenses to His own must be received with respect, with application and with docility. Do you know what docility is? You think you know it, but how many of you are truly docile when it comes to divine Will?
God wants you pure, God wants you chaste, God wants you to be obedient to His laws, to His Ten Commandments, but how many of you are? If you were, you'd be saints, but how many of you call yourselves saints? No one, yes, really no one, because on earth you are on your way to holiness and have not yet reached your destination. The path is difficult for the souls who are on it, I know that, that's why I'm pouring out My graces on you and I'll pour out even more on you if you ask Me.
Ask Me for My graces, I am ready to give you a lot if you ask Me. Yes, don't hesitate, ask, pray to receive them and I will hear you and grant them.
When the earth is in turmoil, that is, when war breaks out on the globe, wherever you are and your safety is uncertain, you must pray for this time of destabilization. Prepare yourselves through prayer, so that when the time comes, you will be ready, with your soul secure and your inner peace certain. You will not be afraid, you will be attentive to your brothers and sisters on earth and you will set them an example of charitable and fraternal behavior.
I will be with you because you will have prayed to Me and you will be ready to fulfill the task that I will entrust to you, that of following My example, that of being My disciples who, like My apostles and disciples after My Ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them, were not afraid to disperse throughout the world to evangelize the nations, each in their own way and according to what My Holy Spirit gave them to accomplish.
This is how I want you, My dear children and disciples, ready to make Me known in a world that has become unbelieving, that has become perjured, that has become contemptuous of My Law. They will be My representatives as much as My faithful priests and will remain grouped around them to help them in any need.
My children, today I come to you to ask you for that fidelity, that ardor, that trust that God gives to all those who pray to Him. In a few days, in just a few days, you will enter a new year; many of you will close the one that is ending with the public singing of the Te Deum in your parish and will open the new year the next day with the singing of the Veni Creator. The Te Deum is a song of thanks for all the goods received from God, while the Veni Creator asks the Holy Spirit for His presence and His seven gifts to live as a good and fervent Christian. I will hear you and grant them to you if you are faithful to Me and always put Me first in your life.
May peace, My peace, be with you today and all the days of your life. I bless you and remain with you at all times and in all circumstances. Be convinced of this, be sure of this, be comforted by this. I am with you as I promised My emerging Church and you are part of it. My promises therefore concern you, be sure of this: “The gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Mt 16:18). In Me you will be strong, in Me you will not be downcast, I promise you and I, God, do not make false promises!
My children, you have been warned, believe in Me and I will believe in you; I will accompany you in your works of Mercy, I will help you and you will not be alone, God blesses you and He loves you. He is counting on you, He will need you, He needs you, do not let Him down.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. So be it.
Your Lord and your God.